Sunday, April 2, 2017

annotation Ch. 2

This chapter mainly talks about what public health focuses on and also what tactics are known to be used in the public health field. The first go on talking about how concerns have changed over time and how it will continuously change overtime. It talks about how cigarettes are a big problem in many countries, but have made places non-smoking in Europe to help reduce the amount of smoking in the country. It is also known that e-cigarettes are now very popular and could lead to more health problems along the way. Alcohol drinking is a problem in Europe, especially since they have a younger age of drinking and it is part of some cultures. They have made efforts into making drinking seem less like a daily activity. Obesity is the next problem and is shown that if nothing is changes over 50% of males and females in the UK will be obese and over 25% of children will also be obese.  These are just some of the examples that were brought up. The tactics used by public health are health education, information and persuasion. This is still used but with some modifications sense there are innovative ways for the public to learn about the problems. This chapter then goes on talking about the people that make up the public health works force; known as, Specialist, practitioner and the wider workforces. The specialist are those who find difference ways to improves the populations lifestyle. The practitioner workforce main duty was to influence the population on having a healthier lifestyle. the wider workforces were the group who had the most diversity because it was literally anyone and the community and they were used for the same reason of promoting a healthier lifestyle. The last sections of this chapter is globalization and public health. This first goes into how public health has now turned into a global problem instead of a local. The reason for this is because it is very easy for people to travel so what disease one person has, can easily find its way to another location or country.
I find it interesting how they mention that public health is always going to change. This shows that working in the public health field, there will always be work that needs to be done, every day will be different because as a problem leaves, a new one will come and that there will most likely be a time in the future where something we haven’t seen before will come and we will need to find a way to slow down the damage or stop it. I also like how they mention globalization because at the university they mainly mention public health issues as a country or a local area, but it is also interesting to know that what happens in one country will also have an impact on another.

I could use this info in the future if I work in the public health field by knowing that there are multiple ways to present a problem, that there will be different obstacles to face every day and also knowing that as one problem is being fixed, there is more that can be done to help the community. 

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